Tutoring Department
The Tutoring our consists of people who are passionate in empowering others using their knowledge. Consider becoming a tutor today to gain experience, learn, and make new connections!
Tutor Application Link Below
About Our Department
Course Management
We are in charge of creating lesson plans and teaching strategies for tutors. Additionally, we have a team of people in charge of coming up with the courses that we offer.
Student Tutoring
The Tutoring Department has a department of tutors who host online sessions with tutees in order to assist them on a specific topic. There are tutors for many different topics that come from a wide range of different backgrounds.
Tutoring manager
This position is responsible for handling the scheduling between students and tutors, assigning tutors to students, and checking the evaluation forms the students and tutors complete to uphold high quality tutoring.
This position is responsible for tutoring the students and alerting the manager of their availability, providing a quality tutoring experience, and helping the student understand their subject of interest.
Positions and Descriptions
These are positions in the Tutoring Department. Beneath the title of each role is a description of the role.